Thank You, Human

Another trip around the sun

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Today’s Thoughts ☠️

Hey there 👋,

We find ourselves connecting on New Years Eve.

I had several ideas for today’s edition, but ultimately, I settled on keeping it short and sweet. I fear the copious amount of chocolate swiss log has a lot to do with it.

As I age, I find celebrating the end and beginning of years far stranger. I’m getting more years behind me these days.

While I don't have a square box with my vibes, superpower or vanity metrics to summarise the year, which seem to be all the rage on social media.

I do want to say a huge THANK YOU to you, dear reader.

2024 has been wonderful, weird and hard all at the same time. I'm still figuring out this crazy thing called life and building my own path with Steal These Thoughts!

A lot of this wouldn't be possible without you (yes, you reading this).

It's an attention economy, and it's not lost on me that you choosing to spend your non-renewable resource of time on me is the biggest compliment I can receive.

So, thank you for your time, energy and support once again this year.

We’ll be back to our regular programming next week, and hopefully I’ve recovered from my chocolate comedown!

Enjoy your end of year festivities.

P.S. A lot of people, brands and companies will spend January telling you what to be. It’s all just noise. I’ve found the quote below a continual guiding light, perhaps it can be for you too.

True happiness beats in your chest. Work out what you like to do best and try to do more of that. Don't torture yourself pondering the purpose of life. It's here, it's now & it won't last forever, so enjoy it.

👀 ICYMI (In case you missed it!)

Till next time, you stay classy, learning friend!

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