Learn by doing ✍️ 🧠

It's simpler than you think, friend

Hey there 👋 

I know, this is weird. I’m in your inbox on a Saturday. How did we get here, who knows? Will it be good? You can bet your bottom dollar it will be. 

I read this insightful piece by Dr Phillipa Hardman on the London School of Economics (yes, I like to pretend I’m smart and fancy sometimes) blog on The invisible cost of resisting AI in higher education. 

It’s a good weekend read, imo.

This resonated with me as someone who has gone deep into the rabbit hole of AI to uncover its potential in the world of learning and development. I mean, you probably knew that from my LinkedIn feed already.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the next digital technology revolution is here. As we operate in an industry that has been historically (criminally) slow to adapt and adopt the latest digital technologies, along with our buddies in higher education, I feel a sense of dread when I think about how we as L&D pros can move with the times.

After all, history is not on our side.

How do we reimagine L&D in the AI arms race?

This question plagues my mind most days over my nice warm cup of tea 🍵 (I lead a thrilling life).

Most days, I tire of hearing those two little letters…A…I - but I know this is a crucial moment in the way we live, work, learn and connect. So ignoring it does me no good and you neither.

I’m not an AI expert and I’m not intending to play one on the internet.

However, I have to practice what I preach as an experimentalist in the L&D field. This has meant plugging into the Matrix to understand what AI could mean for us.

Do I have all the answers? Hell no. Do I have some thoughts and useful stuff to share? Hell yes!

I’ve collated my last year's worth of research, experiments and applications with AI in L&D into a neat little crash course with a pretty bow on top. I did this to answer my own questions in this field and share them with you, my fellow industry pro.

The score is this, AI is here and we need to raise our digital intelligence to meet it. This kinda feels like a red pill, blue pill moment and you know what? I think it is. If you want to get ahead of all this stuff and cut through the noise to the real applications of generative AI in our industry, then I have an invitation for you.

And the best part? You can do this in your own flow as the experience is completely self-paced.

In our last conversation, we talked about crossing our fear gaps to move from the unknown to comfortable and confident. The best way to shape your future is by doing and it just so happens that learning by doing is what you need to grow.

Get a taste of the future 👇


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