Steal These Thoughts 20.09.22 | What's Your Career USP?

Why you need a Career USP (Unique Selling Point)


Being found...

The big thought

A unique selling point or USP for short is often not associated with our career development. Yet, it should be.There are 8 billion humans on planet earth right now and we can guess that perhaps millions of people are in the same industry and even the same role as you are today.So, how do you stand out from the crowd?This is why we must build a unique selling point for ourselves and our skills. This applies to anyone, regardless if you’re working for a company or self-employed as a freelancer.🤔  What is it that you specifically bring to the table?➡️  Think about your work and its impact and value for companies and clients.🫰 What was the financial value of this?📈  What was the performance outcome of this?💡 Outside of the industry standard toolkit, what else do you bring?⭐  What are the unique attributes, points of view and abilities that only you can bring to a shared subject matter?To get your career profile noticed and grow your career in a company or as a freelancer, you must establish a USP. Once you know what sets you apart from everyone and can show that to the world, you can truly own your career.

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One more thing...

Visual thoughts for L&D friends

"Life does not ask what we want. It presents us with options"Thomas Sowell 

That's it for this week. Please do share your thoughts with me on these pieces or anything I share on the Twitterverse and LinkedIn. Chat to you soon and stay healthy people!Don't forget to visit my website for more content.

(P.SWriting this newsletter is a labor of love for me and I'd keep doing it if only one person read it. If you enjoy my words, this content and think it might benefit others too, then please do me the honor of sharing this with your community).


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