Steal These Thoughts 11.01.22 | Happiness map



Tell me, what's the secret?...

Live action shot from my career coaching sessions

  • Happiness is not a destination, it is a emotion and emotions come and go, they are not a state you can always exist within.

  • We won’t find happiness by chasing the next thing and the next thing (not in my experiences anyway, but I’m happy to be proven wrong.)

  • The pursuit of meaning is in understanding what gets you out of bed in the morning, what do you live for – this is your meaning.

  • Your personal definition of meaning can be anything – career, love, food, raising children, taking over the world with fire and blood (maybe not so much that last one, but whatever works for you).

  • In knowing your meaning, you open up the opportunity to create happy moments, to feel happy, belong and discover a sense of fulfilment or a lust for life if you will.

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"True happiness beats in your chest. Work out what you like to do best and try to do more of that. Don't torture yourself pondering the purpose of life. It's here, it's now & it won't last forever, so enjoy it." An old friend

That's it for this week. Please do share your thoughts with me on these pieces or anything I share on the Twitterverse and LinkedIn. Chat to you soon and stay healthy people!Don't forget to visit my website for more content.

(P.SWriting this newsletter is a labor of love for me and I'd keep doing it if only one person read it. If you enjoy my words, this content and think it might benefit others too, then please do me the honor of sharing this with your community).


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