Steal These Thoughts 04.01.22 | Those New Year Thoughts

Don't fall into this New Year trap!


System reboot...

  • What went well

  • What I enjoyed

  • Memorable events

  • What I can work on in the year ahead

  • Grab a piece of paper or open a word document, divide the page into three columns. Now label one – What went well? The second: What did I enjoy? And the last as: What can I work on?

  • Now spend 30 minutes reviewing the last 12 months and placing the thoughts that come into your head in each column.

  • Once you’ve completed this, make sure (and this is the really important bit) to read all of your responses in depth to really appreciate everything you’ve noted.

  • The final step is to look over your what can I work on column and then take the final part of your reflection session to produce the 3-5 top things you want to work on in the year ahead. 

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One more thing...

Thoughts on how to assess if a job opportunity and company is right for you

“Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of others, instead, seek what they sought.” Matsuo Basho

That's it for this week. Please do share your thoughts with me on these pieces or anything I share on the Twitterverse and LinkedIn. Chat to you soon and stay healthy people!Don't forget to visit my website for more content.

(P.SWriting this newsletter is a labor of love for me and I'd keep doing it if only one person read it. If you enjoy my words, this content and think it might benefit others too, then please do me the honor of sharing this with your community).


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